Saturday, March 1, 2025

86th Annual Lincoln Day Dinner

86th Annual

Harrison County

Lincoln Day Dinner


Congresswoman Erin Houchin

serving Indiana's 9th District

Tuesday, April 22

Doors Open 5:30pm

Dinner Served 6:30pm

Tickets $40

Please RSVP online, by phone or text to Holli Castetter at 812-972-2445, or by email to the address on the right.
Pay online, at the door, or by mail to Harrison GOP, PO Box 729, Corydon, IN 47112.
Dinner will also feature a silent auction, gun raffle ticket sales, and other opportunities to raise money for the local GOP.
Program ads available. Ad deadline is Tuesday, April 15. Email for more information.
All funds raised will be used to support Republicans in Harrison County.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

February GOP Breakfast

Join us at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 8, for our monthly GOP breakfast at the Harrison County Government Center in Corydon.

Our program for this month's breakfast will be a state legislative update on the General Assembly in Indianapolis. Sen. Gary Byrne  and Rep. Karen Engleman  will give an update and then will answer your questions.

Breakfast is free, though free will donations will be accepted.

We hope to see you there!

Please note this is an earlier time than past GOP breakfasts.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

GOP Christmas Party & Swearing-In Ceremony




County GOP

Christmas Party

& Swearing-In Ceremony

Sunday, December 15

Swearing-In for GOP officials starts at 5:30pm at the Harrison County Courthouse with Christmas Party to follow at the Discovery Center

Christmas Party tickets are $20.
(No cost to attend just the swearing-in.)
Kids 6-18 are $10.
Kids 5 and under are free.

There will be appetizers, sandwiches, finger foods, and desserts.

Hay wagons have been rented to ride through the Merry Country Christmas light display in Hayswood Park during the party, weather permitting.

The party will be a purely social event for everyone and their families. No speeches, just sharing the Christmas season together.

As this is a Christmas celebration, not a fundraiser, the ticket price is to cover the catering, rental, and private hay ride costs.

Please RSVP no later than Thursday, December 12, by email to the address on the right or by texting or calling Holli Castetter at 812-972-2445 so we can inform the caterer of the headcount.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thank You!

Tuesday, voters in Harrison County went to the polls and made history.

A higher proportion of votes were cast for Republicans in an election than ever before in county history. Republicans won every single race, and this was the fifth consecutive election in Harrison County in which the Republicans won every county office.

This election saw many historic results in Harrison County. The first woman ever (Annissa Kellum-Reas) has been elected as county commissioner. More votes were cast for the Republican state representative candidate for our area (Karen Engleman) than ever before. The county vote totals for the Republican candidates for President (Donald Trump), Senate (Jim Banks), Attorney General (Todd Rokita), Congress (Erin Houchin), Commissioner (Nelson Stepro), Coroner (Jeremy McKim), Council (Sherry Brown), and Recorder (Sandy Stepro) were record highs for those offices. No Republican candidate received less than 72% of the vote, which was also a record.

The tireless efforts of countless individuals brought us to this victory. It was made possible by hard work and dedication by a lot of great people: citizens, volunteers, candidates, and their family and friends.

Most of all, it came from the votes of the people of Harrison County. It came from people who took the time to request and mail in a ballot. It came from people who stood in line for sometimes over two hours to vote early at the courthouse in Corydon. It came from people who voted on Election Day.

Much was made nationally in this campaign season about the health of American democracy. In Harrison County, we know from this year’s result that American democracy has never been stronger: more people voted in this election than ever in Harrison County history, and they voted more Republican than ever before.

The campaign and this election cycle are now at an end. The task of bringing good, conservative government to Harrison County and working for everyone in our county continues.

We said in the campaign making America great again starts right here in Harrison County, and we will do our part.

In the days, weeks, months, and years to come, your Republican elected officials will—as always—strive to serve Harrison County, Indiana, and America with honor, integrity, and conservative common sense.

We will continue to deliver good, conservative government. We also hope to continue to provide a government of which you can be proud.

Thank you for your support, your prayers, and your vote.

This was truly your victory.

Your 2024 Republican Candidates:

Donald Trump

Jim Banks

Mike Braun

Todd Rokita
Attorney General

Erin Houchin

Karen Engleman
State Representative

Debbie Dennison

Sandy Stepro

Jeremy McKim

Harold Klinstiver

Annissa Kellum-Reas
Commissioner-Elect, District 1

Nelson Stepro
Commissioner, District 2

Sherry Brown
Council Member-Elect, At Large

Richard Gerdon & Donnie Hussung
Council Members, At Large

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Special Showing of Reagan

Join your Republican candidates on Saturday morning, September 7 at 10am at the Corydon Cinemas for a special showing of the new movie Reagan.

Enjoy this great film at a special discount matinee ticket rate of $6.

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Headquarters Is Open!

GOP Headquarters is now open!

The headquarters for the Harrison County Republican Party is located at 109 E. Beaver Street in Corydon.

HQ is on the south side of Beaver Street facing the Square. There are Republican signs in the windows and a sign above the door. You can’t miss it.

Headquarters is open from noon to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and from 10:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays.

The headquarters is the place to go for candidate information, yard signs, and to help out if you want to volunteer.